Thursday, July 9, 2009


Awesome place. Wish we had stayed longer. Just wanted to share some pics.

Oh, and this was on the way to Essa... Such awesomeness. Three (you can't see one, but I assure you there were three!!) in the bed of a small pickup.

And a side note to tell you all know that it is much harder to post these blogs without your own personal computer: the keyboards are AZERTY instead of QWERTY (left top five letter keys on your keyboard), which makes all letters out of wack and the extra stuff hard to do as well (i.e. the @ symbol is not above the number 2, but rather on the far right middle above the shift key), so typing takes twice as long... AND the fact that I have to go though all my pics on my viewer before I can post them to the computer... So, that said I am trying to get stuff up as quickly as possible! :-)


  1. See, who needs a fancy horse trailer! All you need is a little gumption and an Isuzu. Now THAT is awesome. I almost squirted coffee through my nose laughing when I saw this! I'm picturing the loading sequence right now-- can you just see Gen, Bailey, and Delphi riding happily along as a threesome in the back of a pickup? Yeah, that'll happen!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yep, total awesomeness with that mode of mule transport, huh? Not sure if Gen would fit, though... too long!
