Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ana Mush Fahim...

...means "I don't understand" (written phoenetically of course)... and that is about how Arabic language is going at the moment! :-) However, today was better than yesterday, at least language-wise.

My day started off really icky... was up at 3 am, couldn't go back to sleep (no Ambien, trying to wean) as I had a dream about my Maxx :-( I know he is better off, as he was so much more sick than realized, but I miss my sweet cat. So, started the day tired, sad, stressed and frustrated...

On the bright side, our luggage arrived today in Fez (about an hour from here). Azeb (our fearless leader!), Beate and Jalani (both fellow Fulbrighters with knowledge of French) braved the wilds that is Moroccan baggage claim and customs to retrieve everyone's luggage. Bless them! Nice to have clean clothes.

Arabic was much better today, though it still is difficult and it doesn't help that the classroom has no insulation so every little sound echoes... makes it hard to listen and repeat. Getting easier to "hear" though, and I am finding the writing part really fascinating... the calligraphy looks very artistic (to me at least), so as an artist I enjoy it, but it is a challange... Writing and reading is right to left which is awkward. And, the letters change how they look/ are written depending on where they are in the word (front, middle, last) and if they connect to another letter or not... It's hard to explain without pictures... so I will try take some of writing and it explain it better in another post when I can get some pictures downloaded.

Im addition to Arabic in the AM, we have history and/or culture class(es) in the afternoon. Today's talk was really interesting, but not sure how much y'all want to hear about all that, so let me know.

Tomorrow after Arabic, we go to Meknes for a couple days then back to Ifrane...

Oh, so far the food is REALLY disappointing... Generic American-tourist-college type food... BLAH. I am hoping for some real Moroccan food, even if it means eating from a street food cart (which while on the topic, so far no traveler's stomach, if you know what I mean! :-)

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