Friday, April 23, 2010

Rolex Dressage Day 2

Hi Carrie, I hope you are enjoying my posts! I single you out as I *think* you might be the only one following the Rolex posts!!

So, second day dressage was some of the best dressage, with several scores in the 40s (remember in eventing, the lower the score in dressage the better!). It started out VERY chilly and wet. Ugh, had to break out the camera rain gear! But the day brightened and warmed after lunch time. William Fox-Pitt had a very nice test, but was a bit stiff I thought... Either way, he's leading, with Allison Springer & Arthur in second and Karen & Mandiba in third. Ollie Townend and Ashdale Master Cruiser are in sixth... He may complete an Rolex Grand Slam of Eventing if he wins here (He won the last Burghley and Badminton, which are four star events in event, so if he wins Rolex KY 4 star, he'll complete the grand slam)...

So here are some pictures for you of the current top horses, except for those you saw yesterday...

William Fox-Pitt (GBR) & Cool Mountain

Allison Springer & Arthur (some of the unlucky ones who got rained on!)

Kim Severson & Tipperary Liadhnan

Oliver Townend (GBR) & Ashdale Cruise Master

And one of my favorites, love the uniform!!!!, Capt. Geoff Curran (IRE) & The Jump Jet

And from last nights Kentucky Cup Dressage....

Winners Tina Konyot & Calecto V


  1. That Cruise Master! I'm always drawn to the tough ones, but I really love that horse! Thanks for singling me out. And no, I'm not the only one following your blog. You have a mom don't you. Heh heh but wonderful photos!

  2. Yes, Cruise Master is a VERY cool horse! Unfortunate about his fall on XC though! He and Ollie are OK thank goodness! I was happy to blog for you, sorry it's not very in depth, lots of work all day, then TIRED! And, yeah, I don't think my mom followed these blog entries, just my FB updates! So, this was all for you my friend! ;-)

  3. I think you did great coverage as well! Definitely a great role model of blog posting. :)
